The turret clock which overhangs the street on the eastern side of St Mary-at-Hill is one of the church’s most recognisable features and appears in pictures from the early 1800s. This kind of clock is more commonly found on the west front or tower of churches in the City of London.
The clock had not been working for many years and more recently had begun to tilt towards the pavement. This meant that the structural supporting beam needed to be reinforced with supporting rods installed above the horizontal arm. The rain hopper adjacent to the clock was also reformed to prevent further ingress of water, the main cause of the deterioration of the supporting beam.
The clock mechanism was then be restored and the external case repainted and gilded to bring it back to its full splendour.
The work was carried out by Fullers Builders and the Cumbria Clock Company under the supervision of Caroe Architecture Ltd.
We are very grateful to The Antiquarian Horological Society, The Friends of the City Churches, The Benefact Trust and ChurchCare with the Pilgrim Trust for financial assistance with this project.